Saturday, 28 May 2016

Oh damn....its a Monday!

There are days when our eyes pop open with the first ray of the sun and then there are days when even a bucketful of water splashed on our head can’t get our nerves alert! Yes, the latter are Mondays. Let’s face it, we all hate Mondays- the school goers, the office goers, the film industrialists and even the President of our country! It’s like the human bodies are tuned to experience an infinite level of inertia to move out of the bed every seven days, starting with a Monday!

It is definitely an arduous task to show up at your workplace on time on a Monday morning. But it takes an even gargantuan effort to pull off the super energetic, super vigilant Monday morning attitude throughout the day. It is not uncommon to find workers and clerks peacefully dozing during the day, the teachers and professors suddenly becoming more exacting and the students turning all peevish and apathetic. That’s the quintessence of a Monday morning.
It so happened that once the opening day of our school after the long, uneventful summer vacation turned out to be a Monday. And when Mondays get backed by almost a ‘month’ of complete torpor, disasters become inevitable. So I woke up late, skipped breakfast, and having missed my school bus, commuted by the overly packed public bus. After reaching school, in an utterly disheveled state, I realized I had put on two different shoes. In no less than ten minutes I was charged with wrong uniform and late arrival and I found myself waiting in front of the principal’s office. Just when I thought the day couldn’t get any worse, I was told I would have to wait for two hours. And then guess what, I fell asleep! Our very own principal found me snoring outside his office and had to call my parents to pick me up. Oh, the embarrassments that Mondays make us go through! On another occasion, I had spilled coffee on my boss because I was walking with my eyes almost shut through the corridors of our office and i happened to crash into him. I was retained in the job because of his merciful character but honestly, I hadn’t expected that. I had remained on my toes that entire day thinking my resignation letter would arrive any moment. But God bless such munificent souls who understand the blues of Monday mornings.

The only creatures who seem to have been exempted from this Monday morning curse are the infants. While for centuries, Mondays have been associated with words like “fresh”, “new”, “clean”, the reality seems to be quite the contrary. The very name of the day has become sleep inducing for the juveniles of Gen-Y! While we continue to ferret about for novel Monday-morning-wake-up solutions, let’s keep a moment of silence for all the inconveniences and stress that we’ve had had to face till date!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

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