Saturday, 12 September 2015

Late Night Thoughts.

Nerd. That was my first impression of him. A high level technical nerd. Being sapiosexual myself, I was instantly drawn to him. He was dumbfounded? I bet. We hadn't met before we knew every intricate detail of the most trivial events which were locked in the deepest vault of our hearts. So dear readers, imagine our first meet. Two strangers coming up, shaking hands and then being like "I know 'everything' about you. Let's have some ice cream, shall we?" Creepy? Weird? Awkward? Haha. That was us. And we were proud of that.

Mainstream was a word which could be used as a perfect antonym for us. We were in love? Hopelessly. But do not commit the mistake of degrading him to a position as superfluous as a 'boyfriend'. We shared a 'divine' bond which is beyond the comprehending power of you muggles. We were the perfect inseparable duo. Things between us had escalated up at a meteoric pace.
Uh, you pervert, what are you thinking?
He started scolding and instructing me like he was my daddy in disguise. I wouldn't study? He had a long lecture prepared already. I was low? He had a bucket full of spiced up jokes all brewed and ready to be served. And the cutest thing about this intellectual badass? No matter how much I annoyed him, all he did was a transitory break up, followed by a doomed period of silence and then his caramelized "how could you think I would just leave you and go?" And this, dear audience, was usually followed by a volcanic eruption of tears from my side and some melodrama usually considered 'cute' by chauvinists all across the world.
Yeah, the point I missed. He was a chauvinist and I was a feminist. And our opinions on almost everything under the sun always lied on opposite poles. So as is evident, our daily conversations were never complete without a heavy dose of argument. But no matter how deadly they became, they always ended by 3 at night with a "damn, it's 3. Go to sleep. Love you. Bye." 'Aww' level? Ultra.

And don't even ask about our secret dates. They usually started with him entering 20-40 minutes late with umpteenth swag and a convivial smile followed by me running about the entire mall, cafe, whatever powered by steam, him following me, an hour long apology session stretched to a cuddling session and then teary goodbyes.
That's pretty much about this idiot who has had a significant amount of influence in my life. Things might have gone a bit rocky between us in the bygone month, but I know we are way too flexible to break. We can bend up, down, twist, untwist, and find a solution to everything. Till then, let's hope for the best. Adios.

P.S This is dedicated to a very special idiot who has and still means a lot to me. 

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